Explore how you would create a PLN prior to building a podcast on a topic of your choice. Please include an exploration of how would you emulate success stories in this space (podcasts that you’ve listened to or seen become noteworthy), and how would you use your PLN with the intent to expand your audience?

Additionally, explore some of the privacy/security concerns to consider when developing an audience on any social media platform? What are the concerns for individuals who become influential in a social space?


I will choose the right social media tools for the topics I am interested in. For example, create a Twitter account and follow influencers in my field. Social media sites are a great way to learn about the latest education-related news and breakthrough innovations. At the same time, social networking sites are also a good place for continuous learning and communication. Creating my own content in PLN, sharing my thoughts and hot topics, and writing blog posts are all necessary to form a network. I will regularly pay attention to how people innovate, then interact with them and ask questions. Respond to their ideas, provide my own original ideas, and do everything possible to increase the value of PLN. There are some very successful cases recently. They all seized the latest information and opportunities. Their ability to share quickly and communicate well is worth learning. There are three important points in using PLN to expand your audience: follow colleagues and meet new friends, create and share content, and use and follow hashtags. As I become more active on Twitter, more users will begin to follow me, and I can add them to my PLN through my points of interest. By far, the best way to develop a personal learning network is to participate. Using hashtags is a useful tool to make my tweets easy to find. I will keep the hashtags relevant to help me connect to PLN online.

While attracting audiences, the privacy and security of social media platforms are very important. When personal information falls into the wrong hands, the consequences can be devastating. Therefore, we should try to avoid revealing too much personal information on social media platforms. We need to be alert to hacker attacks, which may lead to information theft and forced sharing of followers. As users of PLN, we have to be responsible for ourselves and those audiences, and being vigilant is the best way. For individuals with influence in the social space, they are most worried about the security of their accounts. When criminals steal their account information and spread some false or false statements, the impact on them is incalculable. Their painstaking efforts may vanish in a short time.

