Month: October 2020


– Community engagement is public communications – what are the benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing that understands where you are coming from with messaging that impacts the community?

In social media sharing, the advantage of a diverse and inclusive PLN is that it can expand the audience. Attracting a wide audience is a common goal of PLN, which is why successful projects use a combination of online and offline community participation methods. The community can participate anytime and anywhere via the Internet. Many people may not have time to participate in activities. But the online participation platform allows them to access at any time, which greatly improves the problem. Another benefit is to increase participation and trust in the community. The online method of participation brings many opportunities for both organizations and community participants. It allows for deeper participation and a better participant experience. PLN creates an online interactive venue to lay the foundation for continuous participation. When people understand how to participate, where to find information, and how to access the final results of the project, people will generally trust. The popularity of social media has a major impact on the degree of interaction between residents and the government. Residents and community members can submit comments and responses to city operations and decisions in real-time. Moreover, since the most popular social media platforms are free, they are a low-cost to free way of direct interaction between the government and residents. The use of social media platforms in community participation varies with factors such as age, gender, and education level, but what is certain is that the existence of social media will be used as a powerful tool for public participation.
Although social media can be an extremely useful tool for remote community participation and collaboration, it is important that we are aware of and consider the risks associated with these platforms. A common problem on social media is that misinformation and inaccurate content spread quickly online. For example, during this COVID-19 period, misleading and inaccurate medical information may threaten the lives of communities and residents. Secondly, social media may spread prejudice and inappropriate comments in the community. Hate speech and speech threaten skin color, women, children, and other marginalized groups are not accepted. The establishment and release of community PLN should take into account different cultural sensitivities. At the same time, PLN must spread fair remarks.




Explore how you would create a PLN prior to building a podcast on a topic of your choice. Please include an exploration of how would you emulate success stories in this space (podcasts that you’ve listened to or seen become noteworthy), and how would you use your PLN with the intent to expand your audience?

Additionally, explore some of the privacy/security concerns to consider when developing an audience on any social media platform? What are the concerns for individuals who become influential in a social space?


I will choose the right social media tools for the topics I am interested in. For example, create a Twitter account and follow influencers in my field. Social media sites are a great way to learn about the latest education-related news and breakthrough innovations. At the same time, social networking sites are also a good place for continuous learning and communication. Creating my own content in PLN, sharing my thoughts and hot topics, and writing blog posts are all necessary to form a network. I will regularly pay attention to how people innovate, then interact with them and ask questions. Respond to their ideas, provide my own original ideas, and do everything possible to increase the value of PLN. There are some very successful cases recently. They all seized the latest information and opportunities. Their ability to share quickly and communicate well is worth learning. There are three important points in using PLN to expand your audience: follow colleagues and meet new friends, create and share content, and use and follow hashtags. As I become more active on Twitter, more users will begin to follow me, and I can add them to my PLN through my points of interest. By far, the best way to develop a personal learning network is to participate. Using hashtags is a useful tool to make my tweets easy to find. I will keep the hashtags relevant to help me connect to PLN online.

While attracting audiences, the privacy and security of social media platforms are very important. When personal information falls into the wrong hands, the consequences can be devastating. Therefore, we should try to avoid revealing too much personal information on social media platforms. We need to be alert to hacker attacks, which may lead to information theft and forced sharing of followers. As users of PLN, we have to be responsible for ourselves and those audiences, and being vigilant is the best way. For individuals with influence in the social space, they are most worried about the security of their accounts. When criminals steal their account information and spread some false or false statements, the impact on them is incalculable. Their painstaking efforts may vanish in a short time.



BLOG#4 -Your PLN and Inclusion

  • How diverse is your existing PLN?
  • In your PLN, are you learning from a variety of voices or are you the loudest in the room?
  • Do you participate in a silo of information sharing (similar themes or wide-range of interests)?
  • How can you use a diverse PLN to broaden your views of inclusion?
  • What is the learning outcome of your PLN and how are you ensuring your exposure to diversity and inclusion?
  • How has your thinking about inclusion and PLN evolved after reviewing the videos and readings?


My current PLN contains a diverse composition. People of different ages, nationalities, and backgrounds are speaking out for the discussion. Different cultures and regions make everyone’s speech and opinions more interesting. The same interest allows everyone to collaborate and build stronger relationships. Everyone’s interaction and participation as learners are reflected in PLN.

In my PLN, I will choose to learn from various voices. I will express my opinion after listening to other people’s voices. This helps me think and learn more comprehensively. The opinions of other people also allow me to learn more. Rather than being a leader, I think it’s a good choice to integrate into the crowd and accumulate experience. When I understand more and become more confident, I might become the loudest in the room.

Yes, I participate in a silo of information sharing. I am more interested in sharing information with a wide range of interests. Compared with a single similar topic, more interests can be shared by more people. This also means more things to discuss and learn. Information sharing in different fields allows everyone to understand more things and create new interests.

A diverse PLN is the best way to expand inclusiveness. Try to cover more topics and fields in PLN, and provide more discussion opportunities for a diverse group of people. People of different ages, genders, beliefs, and regions can contribute to better inclusiveness. Everyone has the same goals and strives to make the individual meaningful. Different discussions and sharing can let everyone know their roles and responsibilities, and build meaningful connections with each other.

The result of my PLN learning is to honestly express all my views and make them public in the process. Listen carefully, learn, and discuss different perspectives from others. I will think about the same problem from more angles, not just confined to what I think, but integrating the excellent ideas of other people. Respect the ideas of others and broaden my thinking, this is the best manifestation of inclusion and diversity.

After reviewing the videos and readings, the biggest change in my view of inclusion and PLN is that inclusion is not only at the physical level, but more at the ideological level. Different things and interests can make people express different opinions. How to understand and accept different viewpoints is the most important thing. Now I am more interested in different opinions and voices. It’s a great thing to be able to listen to and respect everyone’s opinions. This means more opportunities for learning and improvement.











●  What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network?

●  What can you (as a student) consider to expand your professional learning network?

●  In your network, how can you create a digital identity/reputation?

●  Consider what a local employer would do if you applied for a job with them – can they search the content, is it of benefit to the career path, does it hinder the opportunity of employment?


Students are currently using Facebook, Twitter, Meetup, Quora, Slack, and other digital platforms to develop their professional network.

The learning network is based on connectionist theory or learning from various social networks. Connectionism means learning to rely on communicating ideas with others. PLN promotes learning through meaningful interaction. Today, the advantages of PLN are twofold. To some extent, they can improve classroom teaching and help develop new projects. On the other hand, they are a kind of public information that changes social concepts.
1. Keep the spirit of collaboration as your motivation. Cooperation creates a common ground and allows others to see your interest. True interest will build a solid and authentic network.
2. Join the online community. In a community environment, it is more effective to share ideas and contact people for direct feedback. You can create your own virtual space to share pictures, documents, calendars, or projects.
3. Actively participate. Brainpower is the main asset of PLN. Take some time to determine the specific reason and communicate on your profile. Allowing you to understand specific reasons helps you increase PLN. Keep it relevant. Try to publish at least once a week.

There are a number of ingredients in the recipe for digital identities, such as reputation, viewers ratings, knowledge of what you do, type of language used, etc. Social media is a great place to show your digital identity. More and more potential learning opportunities have been discovered through social networks. Although they were only a distraction method at first, over time they have become very potential places for new opportunities. The main thing is that before creating a digital identity, you know what you are going to publish and who you want to see it.

Of course, they can search for the content. Our identity is not what we say is our true identity but what we do online. It is very important for companies to understand how to face the image of virtual communities and their future customers. How do they achieve this goal? Know who they are and who they want to be. What employers should care about is what I post on the Internet? Can I conduct direct and smooth transactions with customers online? Do I make sure that my clients are aware of important news? We should know who we are in the digital world and know how to find, threats, and opportunities. I think this is good for the career path and will not hinder employment opportunities. An employee can help the employer to try to build a brand image because he has experience in this area. This is a plus point for job seekers.


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V&R mapping

V&R mapping at Educause







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